
Dianne Hofner Saphiere, an American Attracted by Nature

Dianne Hofner Saphiere
Dianne Hofner Saphiere 

*By Guillermo Martín Moreno
Dianne Hofner Saphiere, an experienced and talented US American photographer with almost 50 years of experience, has been able to capture natural beauty through her photographic camera during her travels as have few other artists.

Dianne Hofner Saphiere holds a BA in International Studies from the University of the Pacific in California, with an MS in Human Resources and Organization Development from the University of San Francisco—knowledge that she uses as a promoter of social and cultural causes. One of her passions is registering the world’s beauty through her camera.
Work of Dianne Hofner Saphiere United States of America Photographer 

Based in Mazatlán, Dianne is considered one of the most important and productive nature photographers in northwest Mexico; her photographs have been published in important magazines, books, newspapers and online.
Work of Dianne Hofner Saphiere United States of America Photographer 

Birds in flight, big cats and aquatic animals are some of her most common subjects. Before quarantine she went out almost every day to register the natural environment; now, during confinement, she has dedicated herself to organizing the thousands of images she has taken over the years. She recently commented in an interview about her work:
Work of Dianne Hofner Saphiere United States of America Photographer 
“I am very attracted by nature; photos of wildlife captivate me, and I find joy and peace in beautiful landscapes. My heart and mind, however, are strongly pulled towards people, their actions and interactions; I love giving voice to their natural uniqueness and authenticity. I have a series I’ve created over many years titled, “Human Cultural Treasures” that delights my soul. However, spontaneously photographing people can feel invasive. Here in Mexico, people will automatically strike a pose and put on a big smile as soon as they see my lens. For these reasons, while my heart is drawn to portraits in natural environments, I find it much easier or more fluid to photograph nature.”
Work of Dianne Hofner Saphiere United States of America Photographer 

“My husband is my most ardent supporter and expert photographer assistant. He has saved me from being hit by a bus, being attacked by a crocodile and from being shot by narcotraffickers. When I am looking through my lens I don’t have peripheral vision! On the other hand, he and my son don’t share my passion, so they can get bored with it and resentful of the time it takes,” commented the artist in an interview for Audio Noticas al Instante.

Work of Dianne Hofner Saphiere United States of America Photographer 

The mission of a nature photographer is to capture the beauty of our planet, and in Dianne’s hands and through her eyes are everything possible to achieve that—approaching dangerous species, long hikes in inclement weather, tolerating uncomfortable transportation in order to arrive at remote sites, mosquitos—she joyfully puts up with such inconveniences in order to capture animals and landscapes with her unique and original perspective. Overcoming adversity can make for a better photograph.
Work of Dianne Hofner Saphiere United States of America Photographer 

For those of us who love photography, I highly recommend enjoying the refreshing images created by Dianne Hofner Saphiere.
*Guillermo Martín Moreno is a writer and cultural GESTOR

The works presented in this article are the intellectual property of the artist
Dianne Hofner Saphiere. In this case they are used to promote her work with the objective of critical review and artistic education. Partial or total reproduction is prohibited.

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