
XX Caquetá Arts Hall in the Final Stretch


Everything is ready for the XX Salón de Arte del Caquetá, which will take place in the municipality of Morelia, under the theme "Nature, Art and Memory." This important event will bring together more than 30 artists with visual proposals of great impact, focused on culture, nature, environmental care and the historical memory of the department of Caquetá. The works will be framed in artistic expressions full of color, symbolism and profound messages.

The long history of this event is due to the tireless work of the master Heriberto Ariza Guerra, who has been the soul and driving force of the Salón de Arte del Caquetá. All art lovers in the region are invited to participate in the scheduled activities, which include workshops, art exhibitions and discussions. The celebration will take place on October 10 and 11, and promises to be a space of cultural enrichment for artists and the community.

In the words of the teacher Heliberto Ariza Guerra: "On behalf of the organization of the Twentieth Departmental Art Salon of Caquetá, which will take place in the municipality of Morelia during the days 10 and 11 of October, I extend a special invitation to the artists of the community to appreciate these important and outstanding works of the creators of the plastic and visual arts of Caquetá and of invited artists at the national level.

The works will be exhibited from October 10 to November 10 in the auditorium of the Mayor's Office of Morelia, admission is free from 8:00 AM to 12:00 AM and from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Each visitor can take that image, that response of art to nature, to respect for life, to creation, to the conservation and care of the environment as a message of peace, of reconciliation, of forgiveness, in a territory that seeks to grow, strengthen and weave ties of friendship, solidarity and hope.

We thank The Morelia mayor's office, its mayor Carlos Fernando Trujillo, the Color of Dreams Foundation, Art Without Borders for Peace, the Caquetá Museum, the Departmental Institute of Culture and Tourism of Caquetá, other entities and people who have made it possible for us to be preparing this great event today to appreciate it with all the dedication and with all the hope that art brings progress and social well-being."

Participating artists

Ahimelec Lara Diaz, Alexander Calderon Palacios, Ancizar Medina Angarita, Angel Thomas Sanchez, Berlaud Jimenez Astudillo, Brian Smith Cabrera, Catalina Munoz, Cesar Augusto Rincon Gonzalez, Didy Magaly Oyola Liz, Diego Garcia, Heriberto Ariza, Jaime Sanchez Perdomo, Jairo Cabrera Almario, Janeth Gonzalez Castrillon, Jonathan Jaramillo Ferreira, Judith Rojas Burbano, Leonardo Favio Sanchez, Lina Maria Cedeno, Luis Guillermo Valdez, Manuel Salas, Marco Fidel Zapata Echeverry, Maria del Mar Ceballos, Mayra Alejandra Perdomo, Naime Alarcon, Nelly Olaya, Olaff Crown, Otaliver Leon Taquez, Paola Gamboa, Reynaldo Tamayo Vargas, Sharon Elizabeth Carvajal, Estefany Silva Correa, Stella Malambo, Vigee Marliet Lopez and Winser Antonio Carvajal Toro.


Schedule of activities

Thursday, October 10

2:00 pm Reception of Guest Artists

3:00 pm Painters in the Park Theme: Representative landscapes of Morelia (refreshments) and Part 1 Workshop Banco de la Republica "Artistic Voices: Responding to Post-Conflict from Art" Guest Teacher and Cultural Manager: Cesar Rincón

6:00 pm Welcome Dinner

7:00 pm Inauguration of the XX Hall of Arts

1. Protocolary Acts - National Anthems (Colombia, Caquetá. Morelia)

2. Welcome Remarks to the XX Hall of Arts of Cagueta Dr. Carlos Fernando Trujillo Mayor of Morelia Caquetá.

3. Opening Remarks XX Hall of Arts of Cagueta. Maestro Heliberto Ariza Guerra

4. Main artistic acts - Saxophone and clarinet Concert Guest Musical Artist: Mayron Stid López Lozada - Musical Interpretation Romances del Bodoquero Author, Maestro Jonathan Jaramillo Ferreira

5. Presentation of Recognitions and Special Mentions

6. Workshop-Practical environmental awareness (plastic covers) Guest Teacher: Olaff Crown

Friday, October 11

7.30 am Breakfast

8.30 am Banco de la Republica Workshop: "Artistic Voices: Responding to Post-Conflict from Art" Guest Teacher and Cultural Manager: Cesar Rincón Location. Mayor's Office Auditorium

12.00 Ecological lunch in the beautiful Bodoquera river (Sancocho three meats)

2.00 pm Workshop-practical integration (performance), with guest artists Bath in the Bodoquero river (Farewell Snack Artists)

Artists… Welcome to the territory of the Dreams of Bodoquero and to the Land of the Great Pirarucu… Morelia Caquetá!

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