

Middah Borges "Manchete de Amor"


"Manchete de Amor" is the highlight of the moment for the word Love, existing within the artist and the Planet. A young artist, as the author was only 15 years old.

Regarding her music, she says: "I matured with musical ideas from around the world, as a Latina, which I am, like Middah Borges."

She burst forth from a great act of love and wants to flood the world with delights: Manchete de Amor!

The result is a true sonic fusion that blends Bolero with Danson, originating from Cuba, in addition to musical connections with the Gypsy and Argentine spirit, with Tango influences, right from the song's early moments, creating a super present romance between the song, in the musical realm, and the text.

The phonographic and musical production is by the renowned phonographic producer Gerson Silva and features Néstor Madrid in recordings and mixes, as well as talented musicians Jelber Oliveira on accordion, Marcelo Fonseca on violins, and José Izquierdo on percussion. Complementing all this, we still have the finalization of the audiovisual production by Sandro Camilo, made in Portugal, and the executive production by Glória Dias, also residing in Portugal.

Listen to "Manchete de Amor" on ALL digital platforms of your choice.

YouTube!Aperta o follow! @middah_borgesoficial 


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