
El Huila Shined with "Artists Paint the Land of Promise"


By Manuel Tiberio Bermúdez

One of the most important eve nts that takes place in the Department of Huila is the one convened by the Government of Huila in conjunction with the "Olegario Rivera" Departmental Public Library and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Huila and that this time, with a splendid group art exhibition, pays tribute to one of the most important Colombian writers: José Eustasio Rivera, who was a native of that department.

The call opened a space for 86 national and international artists to participate in an exhibition of more than 100 works entitled, "Artists Paint the Land of Promise," which was open to a broad diversity of expressions: painting, photography, sculpture, installations, drawing, to the delight of the public.

It is these events that create and reaffirm ties of friendship between those who have art as their profession. In addition, this type of event allows the public to witness the new proposals of artists who every day have different motivations for their creations.

These actions become a win-win for everyone; for the organizers who promote, stimulate, and exalt artistic endeavors and diverse cultural expressions; for artists to exhibit their work, show their progress as creatives and their new trends in art; and for the public—the greatest beneficiary because in these events. The public has the opportunity to get close to the artists, to witness first-hand the highly diverse ways in which the artists show their work, and also to have conversations with the creators via conferences and interviews in which they reveal important aspects for those who wish to enter this beautiful world of art.

It is for all of the above reasons that these initiatives must be applauded no matter where they come from, but especially when they are promoted by official entities that on many occasions are accused of doing nothing for culture.

This time we can only say Thank you, thank you very much, Department of Huila!


By Manuel Tiberio Bermúdez - Speaker.-



Thanks to the participating plastic artists:

Adolfo Suaza, Alejandra Naranjo, Alex Rivera, Álvaro Coy, Ana María Cabrera Videla, Ángel María Fernández, Angela Floreth Prieto Alvarado, Angélica Esther Méndez Ascanio, Arcadio González Triana, Arturo Flores, Arturo Valdez, Carlos Cristancho, Carlos Eduardo Franco Quila, Carlos Naranjo Bejarano, César A. Rincón González, César Felipe Cadena Serna, Clara Inés Silva Polanía, Clara Sofía Díaz, Claudia Jimena García, Darío Alberto Jiménez Sánchez, Darwin Alarcón, Diana Bolaños Burbano, Dianne Hofner Saphiere, Didy Magaly Oyola Liz, Diego Losada Floriano, Emiro Garzón, Fidela Losada Flórez, Francy Elena Conde, Francy Johanna Avilés Sánchez, Fredy Alberto Polo Osso, Gabriel Nieto Nieto, Gladis Meneses Lesmes, Gloria Edith Talero, Murcia González, Graciela Romero, Guillermo Martín Moreno, Gustavo Bermeo, Gustavo Córdoba Soto, Héctor Lombana Piñeres, Heliberto Ariza Guerra, Henry Arias, Jaime Cardozo Rojas –Jacaro-, Jairo Plazas Fierro, Javier Bedoya, Jayro Osorio Charry, Jefferson Zamudio Rojas, John Faiber Rojas, Jorge E. Buendía S., Jorge Jojoa, José Antonio Torres Lavao, José Eiver Ospitia, Juan Carlos Ibañez, Juan Javier Suarez Botia, Juan José Arango,  Leonid Enrique Baldovino, Leyda Fernanda Santos Vargas, Luis Alberto Angel Andrade, Luis Eduardo Bravo Artunduaga, Luis Eduardo Mogollón, Luis Losada, Manuel Tiberio Bermúdez, Margarita Rosa Gómez Vélez, Mari Menez, Mario Ayerbe González, Mario Morua, Martha Elena Polanía Dussán, Martín Borrero Urbanski, Mauricio Mayorga, Melba Perdomo Mosquera, Miguel Darío Polanía Rodríguez, Nelson García, Nenfis Perilla, Olaff Crown, Paula Daniela Silva Arce, Pedro Cabrera, Pilar Gómez, Pilar Salomón, Reinel LLanos Murcia, Roberto Londoño Uribe, Rosa Neifi Quintero R., Sandra Balaguera Marín, Sandra M. Pérez León, Segundo Salamanca, Teresa Medina, Walter Oswaldo Arrubla, Wilmer Ramos, Wilson Chica Arce, Yolanda Morales.

Thanks to the 86 plastic artists and their 120 participating works in this beautiful international exhibition:

Text translated by Dianne Hofner Saphiere

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