
 The “Chaos Theory” at the Caja Rural de Córdoba Foundation

The multidisciplinary creator from Córdoba Arroyo Ceballos presents this “premonitory” series supported by a large audience and several surprises


Yesterday, a large audience met at the José Luis García Palacios Cultural Center in the capital of Córdoba, including political representatives and people from culture in general.

The event was presented by María Luisa García-Palacios (Head of Cultural Management of the Foundation), Blanca Torrent (Lieutenant Mayor), and the author himself.

It is the first time that Arroyo fully exhibits his “Chaos Theory” composed of a dozen paintings, six sculptures, a sample of his unique “Esféricas” and an artistic installation, all in his usual mixed technique on ocumen or wood, in symbolic abstract style with predominance or taste for the use of recycled elements.


It should be noted that the casually “premonitory” nature of this series, widely mentioned in the media in several countries, comes from the great similarity of some of the works made in 2018 with the structure of the coronavirus, which would disrupt our lives two years later. daily hitting the entire world.

The exhibition also has a photographic installation titled “El Caos y Yo” in which well-known photographers from Córdoba (Toni Blanco, Pepe González Arenas, Oscar Barrionuevo, Rafael Patiño, Juan Gaitán, José Carlos Cabello, Jerónimo Tinoco and José Manuel Rosario) interpret the author-chaos concept.

It should be noted that at this inauguration, a six-minute musical composition with the same title as the exhibition was presented, prepared by Francis and Alberto Arroyo Ceballos.

The large audience was able to attend two flash mobs starring the Córdoba group “Neon SunFlower” and the dance group “Merak”.

Pepe González Arenas has been the author of the advertising poster images and the plastic artist Curro Sujar has been the author of the poster design.

Arroyo Ceballos has a great international career marked by more than one hundred and fifty exhibitions, work in museums and institutions in a dozen countries and more than thirty art and literature books as author or co-author. Named in the country in 2015 as a member of the International Association of Art Critics AICA and in 2022 President of the Andalusian Association for the Promotion of Culture cREA. He currently also directs the Espacio Cultura magazine.

The exhibition will remain open from September 21 to October 19 from Monday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.


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