
La Evolución fotográfica de Pepe González Arenas

Cuando el fotógrafo Pepe González Arenas realizó su primera exposición individual en Córdoba (España), su ciudad natal y de residencia, obtuvo un gran éxito con la muestra LA CALLE VISIBLE.

Después vinieron otras exposiciones exitosas como EL FOTÓGRAFO Y EL ARTISTA, BLICK NACH SÜDEN UM DEN NORDEN NICHT ZU VERLIEREN (MIRADAS AL SUR PARA NO PERDER EL NORTE) o EL PODER DE LA MIRADA, pero todas presentaban el trabajo artístico en dos modalidades fotográficas: la fotografía de retrato y la street photography.

González Arenas, afirmaba con rotundidad que “nunca cambiaría los géneros fotográficos elegidos, que siempre sería un fotógrafo de calle y de retrato”.

Cinco años después la evolución artística de Pepe, le ha llevado a tragarse aquellas rotundas frases, porque González Arenas ha evolucionado hacia una fotografía enfocada en la Arquitectura y más concretamente en la Arquitectura Moderna.

La nueva modalidad fotográfica de Pepe González Arenas lo lleva a viajar 250 ó 300 millas para realizar una serie fotográfica de unas 20 imágenes de un nuevo y llamativo edificio. Nada lo detiene.

Su trabajo unas veces se focaliza en el edificio, como un todo o en algún detalle impactante, a veces buscando una atmósfera con dramatismo y otras con un procesado que resalta las texturas y colores de los materiales empleados en la construcción.

El resultado es una fotografía vanguardista, atrevida e impactante que aporta la visión de un fotógrafo con conciencia social y que a través de su trabajo se entrega en cada una de las imágenes que crea.

“La evolución de su obra hacia la arquitectura confiere a la misma carácter y seriedad, aportando una línea y estilo definidos, provocando un encuentro entre lo que de verdadero tiene el espacio fondo-formal y lo irreverente de realizar guiños a la abstracción justo después de una época muy cercana al costumbrismo en su trabajo.

Una acertada apuesta que deseamos ver presentada de manera expositiva con premura”

(Fco. Arroyo / De la Asoc. Internacional de Críticos de Arte AICA)


 Walking Through Art pioneer in the new Global Art


In the historical records of transcendental events, there are always people or institutions that achieved this fact, and this is the case of this Art corporation, which transcends the others, for being the pioneer and seeing the future of the new Global Art, its work representation, logistics and dissemination development is many years old but its biggest challenge occurred since 2020, since its mission is to make a new pictorial movement known and influence the artists of the world, and they are achieving it, it is the intense work and the infinite love for Art that led Director Carol Chacón to take the flag of the new creative expression of humanity and spread it throughout the world.
In the future when this pictorial movement is part of the History of Art, there will be no doubt that it was achieved, thanks to the representatives of Walking Through Art Corp.
The power of Art is infinite and that is projected by Walking, which is an organization dedicated to promoting, disseminating, supporting and fostering artists around the world, with its main headquarters in New York and Quito. These being used as cultural launch platforms.

Walking Through Art Cop., is an organization dedicated to promoting, disseminating, supporting and fostering artists around the world, having as its main headquarters in New York and Quito. These being used as international cultural launch platforms.

Walking Through Art Corp., begins its walk through the arts in August 2018 participating in several exhibitions as a guest organization during this period. In his sharing, he forms alliances, cementing himself in an organization at an international level on June 7, 2019, with his first great exhibition at the consulate of Ecuador Queens, entitled "Spirit in Art". On December 18, 2020, Walking Through Art Corp. is certified in New York City as an Arts and Culture corporation.


Walking Through Art Corp., is an organization that cultivates, exposes, encourages and supports the artistic expressions of the human soul.
Stimulate and develop programs aimed at the proper development of cultural activities: Exhibition - Events - Shows

Promote, support the emerging artist in his career.

We have alliances with entities that are giving us their support to achieve our objectives. Puerto Rican Family Institute, Grupo Radial CRC NY, Government of Ecuador NY, Grito Cersa, Ambassador CARLOS Garcia of the NATION IS UNITED.

Being their mission to make known and influence the artists of the world a new pictorial movement, and they are achieving it, it is the intense work and infinite love for Art that led Director Carol Chacón to take the flag of the new expression creativity of humanity and spread it throughout the world.

In the future when this pictorial movement is part of the History of Art, there will be no doubt that it was achieved, thanks to the representatives of Walking Through Art Corp.
The power of Art is infinite and that is projected by Walking, which is an organization dedicated to promoting, disseminating, supporting and fostering artists around the world, with its main headquarters in New York and Quito. These being used as cultural launch platforms.



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