GEGO. Midiendo el infinito
The Jumex Museum in Mexico City now presents the
exhibition of one of the most important artists in Latin America: Gego
How do you represent the unattainable? Who could do it?
Well, we believe that one of those people was Gertrud Goldschmidt, better known
as Gego. An incredibly interdisciplinary Latin American artist who during her
life explored from architecture and design, to sculpture, drawing, and
engraving, without neglecting installations and even textiles. His works could
be as public as they were complex, and as challenging as they were pedagogical.
Now the Jumex Museum will hold a retrospective of this interesting artist
titled: Gego: Measuring Infinity. It starts on October 19 and we'll tell you
what it's about.
Previously we called Gego as a Latin American artist, and
no, we are not unaware that she was not born on this continent, but in Hamburg,
Germany, but she lived most of her life in Venezuela, as well as developed
professionally there. He was nourished by the artistic currents of the country
and then proposed new things.
It was in the 60's and 70's that he had some of his most
important works, precisely at the height of geometric abstract art and kinetic
art, from which Gego drew a lot of inspiration. He made around 400 works, and
120 of them now reach the Jumex Museum in Measuring Infinity.
In Gego's works we see lines that are chaotic at first
glance, geometric shapes that are difficult to decipher, solid structures that
seem to crumble with a touch or a simple sigh. Space is essential for the
construction of these works, it is even part of it. His most famous work is
“Reticulárea”, which dates back to 1969. Here pieces of aluminum and steel come
together to create a mesh fabric that spans the entire room.
What? The exhibition that we see in the Jumex does not
have those giant networks that are in Venezuela, but it does have some smaller
networks, always geometric shapes, and many books and paintings by the artist,
as well as some photos where we see her portrayed and her work . What stands
out the most are those sculptures, which we admit, did not capture our
attention. If you already knew the artist, this is the opportunity of your life
to see her works live, if you are not familiar, we believe that it will attract
your attention enough to learn more.
We believe that it is not one of the best exhibitions
that the Jumex Museum brings, but if you like the curatorship of the museum, it
is most likely that this will not disappoint you. Also, finishing you can also
visit Rodrigo Hernández's installation: El Espejo, which is exhibited in the
basement of the place.
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