
Consuelo Hernández, Spanish figurative painter

Consuelo Hernandez

Consuelo Hernández is a Spanish figurative painter in the Realism movement, considered among the most relevant contemporary Spanish plastic artists. Born in Tornavacas (Cáceres). With residence in Madrid.


The career and work of Consuelo Hernández appear in numerous catalogues, books, dictionaries and encyclopedias of Art as well as her exhibitions.

The art critic José María Bermejo wrote these words in the newspaper "Hoy" of Extremadura (1979): ...The pictorial work of Consuelo Hernández is a work in perpetual restart, like Valéry's sea, because the artist is a mixture of instinctive child with severe self-censorship... One advances through infinite returns... That precocious girl who - encouraged by her father - drew, with trembling wonder, the lively rural surroundings of Tornavacas, gave way to the sensitive adolescent who observed and captured the charm of the old golden streets of Cáceres or copied the great Spanish masters with enamored tenacity...

Themes of special predilection cultivated by the painter: the portrait and the urban landscape, with a special interest in architecture, an expression of its surroundings. This is how the painter herself expresses it: ...The cyclical sunset in a park; the paradise of cherry blossom fields; the mass of anonymous people who populate the subway platforms of a big city; some simple flowers... beings and objects from the small world in which I live and that, recreated on the canvas, come to configure that other universe of my own, designed in my own way, capable of expressing an alleged encounter between reality and dream...

The friendship with the Madrid group of student artists of Antonio López and the admiration for the work of this great master of Spanish Realism definitively configure the realistic and personal style that Consuelo Hernández arrives at, a style to which she has remained faithful since the 1980s. 80s to the present.

Consuelo Hernández's work has been exhibited at international art fairs and festivals, in Chicago, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, Shanghai, The Hague, Madrid. Also in the halls of the Cervantes Institute in Tangier, Rabat, Casablanca, Fez and Tetouan (Morocco). In 2012, she participated, as a selected and invited artist, in the international Present'Art Festival in Shanghai, which was exhibited in different museums in the city. In 2013 he exhibited in Beijing and Shenzhen (China) at the Bridge Gallery.

Consuelo Hernandez - Art Work

In 2018 the art critic Antonio Calderón de Jesús wrote:

..Her relevance as a painter is leading her to be one of the Spanish artists with the greatest international projection, due to her great acting skills. ...What is interesting about her work is her perseverance in keeping in mind the most transcendental of the Art of Romanticism combined with the most evolved of current Art, on whose schemes the creative line of this artist is based...”

Her work is part of private collections in Morocco, Spain, China, France, Italy, the United States, Switzerland, and public institutions in Spain and other countries. Significant recognitions and awards: Institution Forum Europe 201: Gold medal in 2016. Biennial Prize of Genoa 2017. Included in the book "Illustrious Extremadurans" in 2014. In 2017: "Illustrious Women of Extremadura". 2018: INTERNATIONAL PRIZE CARAVAGGIO, Milan (Italy). 2019: INTERNATIONAL PRIZE BOTTICELLI Florence (Italy); 2019: INTERNATIONAL PRIZE ARTIST Of The Year 2019. 2019: Silver Medal, Royal Academy ARTS-SCIENCES-LETTRES of Paris. (Sponsorship of the French Ministry of Culture) 2020: INTERNATIONAL PRIZE LEONARDO DA VINCI, Florence (Italy). 2021: FORBES Magazine: Top 50 AWARDED SPANIARDS: The most awarded Spanish talent in the world.


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