

 According to Youtube Creators, with more than 24,000 views on the channel and 100% presence on the front page of GOOGLE for the search for "Cuba and Other Islands", Multi Task Alexandre Cuba, who has been writing since the age of 11, launched his first work in front of the band Cuba and Other Islands in 2018.

  Great-grandson of Davi Coutinho (RIP), important musician of the very traditional 7 DE SEPTEMBER Band from the city of São Romão MG, among many influences, with his grandfather, he lived and worked for more than 20 years in the journalistic and technological environment, accumulating knowledge and inspiration to compose , write and above all build a network of connections on major social networks and in the real world.

Trophy and B-day for "Rádio Doinha Prata Web Fm", in Jubiabar

  Doinha Prata, CEO of the program “El!!! VC TÁ AÍ?!” and Rádio Web FM, has plenty of reasons to celebrate. In addition to running the stati...